Peer Pressure: A Youth Group Lesson on Standing Firm in Faith For Teens Romans 12:2

Your best friend comes up to you in study hall when you’re listening to music and not doing anything worthwhile, and she tells you to get a move on with your project. You might respond with a “whatever,” or “yeah, but I have lots of time to do it later.” Your friend doesn’t give up […]

Overcoming Peer Pressure as a Christian Teenager: Tips and Advice

Christian youth can resist peer pressure by being confident in their faith and beliefs, setting boundaries, and surrounding themselves with like-minded individuals. It’s also helpful to have a supportive community of friends, family, and church members who encourage and uplift them. One of the best ways to find positive role models is to seek out […]

What is Reverse Tolerance? 1st Step Behavioral Health

Repeated exposure to the same drug intensifies the response and can result in significant behavioral, physiological, or cellular changes that persist for weeks or months. The number of alcoholic drinks consumed on the night prior to the test day was recorded, including the start and stop time of drinking alcohol. The estimated blood alcohol concentration […]

What Is Reverse Tolerance? Understanding Sensitization

In an experimental study, Span and Earlywine 50 found that subjects with a positive family history of alcoholism reported more severe hangovers than subjects with a negative family history of alcoholism. Recovery in Tune offers integrated outpatient treatment programs that address substance abuse issues as well as the underlying causes of addiction and other mental health issues. […]